1 - Description:
- Android application using jQuery Mobile that seeks to show the basic form of the use of standards PhoneGap/Cordova plugins.
2 - Development Tools:
- Sublime Text
- PhoneGap Desktop
- Ripple emulator
- Android Studio (Build)
3 - Phonegap Plugins list implemented:
- cordova-plugin-battery-status
- cordova-plugin-camera
- cordova-plugin-contacts
- cordova-plugin-device
- cordova-plugin-device-motion
- cordova-plugin-device-orientation
- cordova-plugin-dialogs
- cordova-plugin-geolocation
- cordova-plugin-globalization
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
- cordova-plugin-media-capture
- cordova-plugin-network-information
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen
- cordova-plugin-vibration
- cordova-plugin-statusbar
- OBS:
- cordova-plugin-console is a plug used in development.
- cordova-plugin-whitelist and cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist is a plug used in development.
- cordova-plugin-media, cordova-plugin-file and cordova-plugin-file-transfer - They will be developed in a later version or another app.